Anyways... HAPPY DUSSEHRA TO ALL...(in advance)
At 8:25 AM,
hullo! I've linked to you from The JOKES Blog. Please link back to me after checking out my Link Exchange program!
At 1:48 PM, ashokitexpert
Dear Arpit
You are the first one i found in Internet wishing in advance
same to you
I am set to launch a website on Vijaya Dasami य Dussehra.
I learnt from net this greeting of you on Dussehra.
You yourself can put more news/greeting on the upcoming site to be launched at 20.10.2007 / 6 PM IST i.e. 16 Hours from now or tell me more what you think about Dussehra / Viajaya Dasami so I may put it in the site on Dussehra on your behalf.
The site name will be announced via www.ChhattisgarhNews.info.
You can learn more about my website series there.
Hey, Appu. You're on my blogrole.
Stay in touch.